There's an intimacy in this that so resonates with me. I mean, it's impossible to imagine that I wouldn't be charmed by the subject matter alone — a President I greatly admire, plus two NBA players. But this moment is especially great, because I love Derrick Rose's game and I will always appreciate that he OD'd on candy before the 2008 NCAA Final with Kansas. And I admire Joakim Noah's gritty post play and his serious media game. And I love that there's genuine emotion in this shot. It has got a little bit of stagey-ness, but it also feels, like I said, intimate, like the photographer took this photo and emailed it to me, and said: "You'd appreciate this."
Category: flickr
Posts including pictures from my Flickr account.
Dang, that Grain Belt sweater in the upper right corner is HOT. via AJ Fosik
I really geek out out on glimpses of the marked-up copy of other writers, so I was pretty fascinated to see a page of a Presidential speech-in-progress. If you click through to the zoomed-in page, you'll see that all of Obama's notes are all copy-edits; there are no developmental "what I'm trying to say here"-style edits. Not sure what that means, but I thought it was interesting. The Flickr caption indicates that the photo was taken "in the Oval Office, Sept. 9, 2009, in preparation for the president's address to a joint session of Congress." Cool.

Transbay bird swirl
Perched among the tall buildings in downtown San Francisco, my office can feel like a nest in a tall tree. Yesterday evening, the birds that live atop the Transbay terminal swirled up to, and around, the windows of our conference room, and the aerie-like feeling was stronger than ever. One bird even landed, briefly, on the ledge of the window. I have no idea what kind of birds they are, what brought them to us, or what they hope to achieve. But I am in awe of them.
Great design hits you on many levels. Designers love to talk about closing the door of a BMW. It feels different. And this feeling may not even register in the conscious mind, but it matters. The feeling of solidity and integrity during that action is unique and lasting, even though it occupies a tiny sliver around the experience of driving. You may not consciously notice it, but your mind registers it and you body remembers it.I hesitate to admit this in a public forum, but I don't think I've ever purchased a new piece of silverware. Our silverware drawer is a hodgepodge of airline spoons, thrift store forks, garage sale knives, odds and ends of various shapes and sizes. But you've got to wonder whether the experience of eating wouldn't be greatly enhanced — even unconsciously — by great silverware, like the set above by craftsman David Mellor. I saw it yesterday at Heath Ceramics in Sausalito, and even a philistine like me could tell that it's got something going on. For $160, you can find out for yourself.If you do, listen to your subconscious, and let me know what it says.
Okay, one last political thing. In the wee hours before yesterday's inauguration, a genius prankster named Alex Zecca reportedly covered every "Bush" street sign from downtown to the Marina with a sticker that said "Obama." I heard about it when I got into work, but missed the chance to see it for myself. Luckily, Vanessa Naylon saw it happen. Awesome.
They call it the White House, but that's a temporary condition.
What we have here is both a failure to communicate and an ingenious workaround. To Kristen & Rob: Kudos.
See, I criticize Flickr, and then this thing comes along to demonstrate once and for all its inherent goodness. No Flickr stylez or post-processing necessary. Via Sorry I Missed Your Party and BuzzFeed.