basketball flickr politics



There's an inti­ma­cy in this that so res­onates with me. I mean, it's impos­si­ble to imag­ine that I wouldn't be charmed by the sub­ject mat­ter alone — a Pres­i­dent I great­ly admire, plus two NBA play­ers. But this moment is espe­cial­ly great, because I love Der­rick Rose's game and I will always appre­ci­ate that he OD'd on can­dy before the 2008 NCAA Final with Kansas. And I admire Joakim Noah's grit­ty post play and his seri­ous media game. And I love that there's gen­uine emo­tion in this shot. It has got a lit­tle bit of stagey-ness, but it also feels, like I said, inti­mate, like the pho­tog­ra­ph­er took this pho­to and emailed it to me, and said: "You'd appre­ci­ate this."

flickr visual

This year's best beer-themed sweater collection

Beer sweaters

Dang, that Grain Belt sweater in the upper right cor­ner is HOT. via AJ Fos­ik

flickr lit photo

A peek into Obama's speech-writing process

Obama speech - Jon Favreau - FlickrPho­to: Pete Souza

I real­ly geek out out on glimpses of the marked-up copy of oth­er writ­ers, so I was pret­ty fas­ci­nat­ed to see a page of a Pres­i­den­tial speech-in-progress. If you click through to the zoomed-in page, you'll see that all of Obama's notes are all copy-edits; there are no devel­op­men­tal "what I'm try­ing to say here"-style edits. Not sure what that means, but I thought it was inter­est­ing. The Flickr cap­tion indi­cates that the pho­to was tak­en "in the Oval Office, Sept. 9, 2009, in prepa­ra­tion for the president's address to a joint ses­sion of Con­gress." Cool.

flickr photo tv

Let's put this matter to bed

That's what she saidGenius stitch­ing and polaroid by: That Kate.
flickr photo san francisco

Transbay bird swirl

Transbay terminal San Francisco birds

Perched among the tall build­ings in down­town San Fran­cis­co, my office can feel like a nest in a tall tree. Yes­ter­day evening, the birds that live atop the Trans­bay ter­mi­nal swirled up to, and around, the win­dows of our con­fer­ence room, and the aerie-like feel­ing was stronger than ever. One bird even land­ed, briefly, on the ledge of the win­dow. I have no idea what kind of birds they are, what brought them to us, or what they hope to achieve. But I am in awe of them.

flickr photo

Unconsciously satisfying

David Mellor - Pride - flatware

Great design hits you on many lev­els. Design­ers love to talk about clos­ing the door of a BMW. It feels dif­fer­ent. And this feel­ing may not even reg­is­ter in the con­scious mind, but it mat­ters. The feel­ing of solid­i­ty and integri­ty dur­ing that action is unique and last­ing, even though it occu­pies a tiny sliv­er around the expe­ri­ence of dri­ving. You may not con­scious­ly notice it, but your mind reg­is­ters it and you body remem­bers it.I hes­i­tate to admit this in a pub­lic forum, but I don't think I've ever pur­chased a new piece of sil­ver­ware. Our sil­ver­ware draw­er is a hodge­podge of air­line spoons, thrift store forks, garage sale knives, odds and ends of var­i­ous shapes and sizes. But you've got to won­der whether the expe­ri­ence of eat­ing wouldn't be great­ly enhanced — even uncon­scious­ly — by great sil­ver­ware, like the set above by crafts­man David Mel­lor. I saw it yes­ter­day at Heath Ceram­ics in Sausal­i­to, and even a philis­tine like me could tell that it's got some­thing going on. For $160, you can find out for your­self.If you do, lis­ten to your sub­con­scious, and let me know what it says.

flickr photo politics

Not a bad idea

Renaming Bush Street - San Francisco - Pranksters after the inauguration

Okay, one last polit­i­cal thing. In the wee hours before yesterday's inau­gu­ra­tion, a genius prankster named Alex Zec­ca report­ed­ly cov­ered every "Bush" street sign from down­town to the Mari­na with a stick­er that said "Oba­ma." I heard about it when I got into work, but missed the chance to see it for myself. Luck­i­ly, Vanes­sa Nay­lon saw it hap­pen. Awesome.

flickr politics


Flickr photo

They call it the White House, but that's a tem­po­rary con­di­tion.

flickr ixd web

IxD / Dear everyone, I hope you can find my albums

Flickr navigation hack

What we have here is both a fail­ure to com­mu­ni­cate and an inge­nious workaround. To Kris­ten & Rob: Kudos.

flickr photo visual web

Flickr / Okay, I take it all back.

Sorry I missed your party

See, I crit­i­cize Flickr, and then this thing comes along to demon­strate once and for all its inher­ent good­ness. No Flickr stylez or post-pro­cess­ing nec­es­sary. Via Sor­ry I Missed Your Par­ty and Buz­zFeed.