
Parmesan Reggianno

News flash: Parme­san cheese is not just for sprin­kling on piz­za. While its taste­less, soul­less parem­san cousins became condi­ments, Reg­gian­no kept its feet on the ground and its head in the game. Name­ly, it kept its taste and tex­ture real, so real, in fact, that peo­ple who sprin­kle it on piz­za should be thrown in fuck­ing jail. Seri­ous­ly. It should be eat­en alone. Okay, maybe on a light crack­er; maybe with a touch of olive oil, but it should always — ALWAYS — be eat­en late at night, in a dark kitchen, after a long evening out.

5 replies on “Parmesan Reggianno”

I think it should be acknowl­edged that Reg­giano is the King of Cheeses. Not only is it the per­fect snack cheese, usu­al­ly eat­en stand­ing in front of the refrig­er­a­tor with the door open, but also it is very tasty in a num­ber of dish­es, and can make the bland­est pas­ta dish taste like a feast. I have been caught, on more than one occa­sion, gnaw­ing on the rind of a piece of Reg­giano because it was all that was left in the house. We should chip in and buy a wheel together.

oooh good idea on buy­ing a wheel of Reg­gie! can i wheel it home from the store, like the lit­tle girl w/ the stick & hoop in The Red Balloon?

Buy­ing a wheel of the Reg­gie would be like a bunch of coke­heads buy­ing a kilo of coke — a "key", as they said on Mia­mi Vice — or some equiv­a­lent­ly ridicu­lous­ly large amount that would seem like it would pro­vide us with more than enough cheese for the rest our lives but would actu­al­ly end up divid­ing and/or killing us all. I vote yes, in any case, because I know I will live.

I think Reg­gie needs to be stored in a cool, dry place, so I vol­un­teer my stor­age room as Reggie's new home. You can sign up for vis­it­ing hours when we get the wheel. Or else Reg­gie can be divid­ed into por­tions based on who is the best brack­e­tol­o­gist dur­ing March Madness.

reg­gie is the King of Cheese for so many rea­sons, and tonight it is because Reggie's sharp, salty, crum­bli­ness tastes so good with some­thing sweet and sticky like a med­jool date. mmm­m­mm. the per­fect dinner.

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