ecology web

For the record, this is my favorite

BPGlobalPR - Shark v octopus

From the out­stand­ing satir­i­cal Twit­ter feed, @BPGlobalPR. T‑shirts here; book deal to fol­low, I assume.

tech web

Twitter dream team, beginnings of

I couldn't agree more with David Pogue, Twit­ter is what you make of it. This is what I would make of it, if only.

Twitter dream team - Ginsberg, O'Hara
lit tech web

Hellified quotatiousness

Ever since Shaquille O'Neal left the Lak­ers, I've been more love than hate. He's smart and charis­mat­ic in ways that are rare for a pro­fes­sion­al ath­lete, and of course he's giv­en out the League's best nick­names — The Big Aris­to­tle (to him­self), The Truth (to Paul Pierce), The Big Fun­da­men­tal (to Tim Dun­can), The Big Tick­et (to Kevin Gar­nett), and Flash (to Dwyane Wade). But now that he's start­ed Twit­ter­ing as THE_REAL_SHAQ, I'm very firm­ly in the Shaq love camp. He's quick­ly picked up on Twitter's con­ven­tions, and he's engaged a vari­ety of fans and oth­er folks on a vari­ety of mun­dane top­ics. @Shaq: I feel you, my friend. Keep it up.A selec­tion of Twit­ter Shaquliciousness:

  • His bio, two words: "Very quotatious."
  • Yes­ter­day: "Last nite i told greg oden , 'we r not the same, i am a martian'"
  • Last week: "About to go to yoga, got­ta get my stretch on"

Which reminds me of anoth­er star who has a way with words: Randy Moss, who recent­ly launched "hel­li­fied" into the every­day sports lex­i­con. Back in 2002, he became a per­ma­nent fix­ture on my refrig­er­a­tor when this pas­sage appeared in Sports Illus­trat­ed:

The per­cep­tion was that [recent­ly hired coach] Mike Tice, after one game as inter­im coach, was giv­en a three-year deal last Jan­u­ary because he con­vinced McCombs he could con­trol Moss. "No," says Moss. "Mike Tice got the job because he and Randy Moss can get along. Nobody con­trols me but my mama and God."

There's some­thing about that quote that sticks with me. Only con­trolled by his mama and God. @RandyMoss: It takes a spe­cial kind of per­son to even think in those terms. Keep it up.