basketball flickr politics



There's an inti­ma­cy in this that so res­onates with me. I mean, it's impos­si­ble to imag­ine that I wouldn't be charmed by the sub­ject mat­ter alone — a Pres­i­dent I great­ly admire, plus two NBA play­ers. But this moment is espe­cial­ly great, because I love Der­rick Rose's game and I will always appre­ci­ate that he OD'd on can­dy before the 2008 NCAA Final with Kansas. And I admire Joakim Noah's grit­ty post play and his seri­ous media game. And I love that there's gen­uine emo­tion in this shot. It has got a lit­tle bit of stagey-ness, but it also feels, like I said, inti­mate, like the pho­tog­ra­ph­er took this pho­to and emailed it to me, and said: "You'd appre­ci­ate this."

flickr photo politics

Not a bad idea

Renaming Bush Street - San Francisco - Pranksters after the inauguration

Okay, one last polit­i­cal thing. In the wee hours before yesterday's inau­gu­ra­tion, a genius prankster named Alex Zec­ca report­ed­ly cov­ered every "Bush" street sign from down­town to the Mari­na with a stick­er that said "Oba­ma." I heard about it when I got into work, but missed the chance to see it for myself. Luck­i­ly, Vanes­sa Nay­lon saw it hap­pen. Awesome.

politics san francisco

Elections / Photos from the campaign trail

Bake sale for Barack ObamaPho­to: Joshua Lott

Last June, Mara orga­nized a bake sale to raise mon­ey for Barack Oba­ma. It was a typ­i­cal­ly chilly sum­mer day in San Fran­cis­co, but we made a fist­ful of cash, AND we got our pic­ture tak­en by a passer­by who hap­pened to be a pro­fes­sion­al pho­to­jour­nal­ist. His name is Joshua Lott, and he post­ed it on a blog called The Stump­ing Grounds, which fea­tures one pho­to per day from one of the many pho­to­jour­nal­ists cov­er­ing the cam­paign. Ours was post­ed on June 24th.

Barack Obama strikes the Heisman poseI had to include this; it's the cur­rent pho­to, and it's awe­some. It was tak­en by Scout Tufankjian, and her site is well worth a look. She's post­ed a series on the Secret Ser­vice which is both reveal­ing and kind of scary.

flickr ixd web

IxD / Dear everyone, I hope you can find my albums

Flickr navigation hack

What we have here is both a fail­ure to com­mu­ni­cate and an inge­nious workaround. To Kris­ten & Rob: Kudos.

inside art reviews visual

Foto / Modernity in Central Europe

Foto - Modernity in Central Europe

When I was in Wash­ing­ton DC last month, I saw an incred­i­ble show at the Nation­al Gallery called Foto: Moder­ni­ty in Cen­tral Europe 1918–1945. As you may have guessed by the title, the show is pho­tog­ra­phy-ori­ent­ed, but it's more than that: It's a sto­ry about pho­tog­ra­phy craft, and the way that Euro­pean pho­tog­ra­phers bent, broke and oth­er­wise manip­u­lat­ed pho­tos to express the social, polit­i­cal and cul­tur­al frag­men­ta­tion (and chaos) in the wake of the First World War. Most of the artists were unknown to me; they're all intro­duced and dis­cussed in detail in the excel­lent exhi­bi­tion cat­a­logue. It opens at the Guggen­heim New York in October.

Birth of a robotThis is a pho­tomon­tage by a Pol­ish artist named Janusz Maria Brzes­ki. It's called Twen­ti­eth-Cen­tu­ry Idyll, but the name of the series is even bet­ter: A Robot Is Born. Pho­to: Nation­al Gallery of Art.
Jindrich Styrsky - SouvenirAnoth­er pho­tomon­tage, this one by Jin­drich Strysky, a Czech artist. Pho­to: Nation­al Gallery of Art