
Blondie's best

this is a pleas­ant lit­tle aged cow's milk cheese from a North­ern Cal­i­for­nia cheese­mak­er whose name I can­not recall. Rest assured, though, that if you're try­ing to eat as local­ly as pos­si­ble, blondie's best can safe­ly be on your gro­cery list. It's some­what like an aged jack, or an aged hip­pie, with that kind of mel­low nut­ti­ness, cut with a lit­tle tang. It's good on a crack­er but also works well in a sal­ad with some dried cher­ries and toast­ed almonds.

2 replies on “Blondie's best”

Hel­lo! I'm a shame­less googler and found this post…I'm the daughter/cheesemaker at Pedro­zo Dairy & Cheese, where we make Blondie's Best and oth­er farm­stead raw cow's milk cheeses. The cheese is actu­al­ly named after my very first cow, who's long since passed but whose daugh­ters and grand­daugh­ters are still a part of our lit­tle herd. :) So glad you liked the cheese! mandy

Hey, cool. I'm glad you found the site, Mandy! Per­haps your input will pro­pel us back into updat­ing it more often? Take care, keep mak­ing good cheese, and send along any rec­om­men­da­tions, if you've got em.

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