flickr minneapolis tip

Things to do in Minneapolis when you're cold

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The Twin Cities are still full of good times, espe­cial­ly when the mer­cury plunges. A cou­ple of week­ends ago, I enjoyed the chill with my friends Fish, Katie and Becky (pic­tured, in front of the new wing at the Walk­er). The highlights: 

  • Viet­namese sand­wich­es at the Jas­mine Deli on Nicol­let. Their sand­wich­es are fab­u­lous, espe­cial­ly the BBQ chicken.
  • The new and improved Walk­er. Twin Cities res­i­dents seem ambiva­lent — some love it, oth­ers are under­whelmed — but I was real­ly impressed with the way that the new wing blends into the old, and the man­ner in which they space itself still seems inti­mate and sur­pris­ing. Plus, it's open late on Fri­day nights; how great is that? The Walker's video instal­la­tions have always been great, and I was real­ly glad to catch a few moments of Jem Cohen's "Lost Book Found" and "Blood Orange Sky" as we walked through — worth read­ing: A long, detailed inter­view with Jem Cohen by Rhys Gra­ham. Also, an entire room ded­i­cat­ed to Sher­rie Levine, a cab­i­net full of Fluxus stuff (still cool after all these years of imi­ta­tors), and a great exhib­it of Huang Yong Ping that includ­ed some live spi­ders and scorpions.
  • Good, sol­id Mid­west­ern dish­es pre­pared Chez Panisse-style (local, organ­ic, a lit­tle French) at Auri­ga. They also serve Kona coffee.
  • Weird Nor­weigan snacks and crazy folk-art murals at Inge­bret­sons, a store that sells all sorts of Scan­dana­vian crafts and gifts. Even weird­er because it's in a some­what bombed-out part of Lake Street.
  • A lit­tle water­fall in the mid­dle of the city, Min­neha­ha Falls. Total­ly worth see­ing, espe­cial­ly in winter.
  • Fish and Katie's total­ly awe­some 60's‑style neigh­bor­hood movie the­ater, The Riverview, that shows fair­ly new movies for THREE DOLLARS. Are you kid­ding me? Plus, it has been total­ly restored, and total­ly reminds me of the hey­day of Kansas City's Glen­wood, which I think has recent­ly been gut­ted of all the 60's schmaltz.