music tip

Dust it off / XTC, Skylarking


Here's my ques­tion: How did this become the "Dear God" album, con­sid­er­ing at least half the songs on it are as good or bet­ter? Damn you, Sarah McLach­lan. I hadn't lis­tened to it since maybe 1995, when Ted and I played the shit out of it. We both loved the Bea­t­les, and I had a fond­ness for the syn­thy 80's style. This album com­bines these qual­i­ties, and adds a lit­tle indie rock sen­si­bil­i­ty as well.Now that the Cars and Hall & Oates have been on heavy hip­ster rota­tion for the past year or so, I'm sur­prised that XTC haven't seen some props, espe­cial­ly for this album. Com­pared to oth­er XTC albums, the vocals are more blend­ed with the rest of the sound, rather than held above it, which reduces the sac­cha­rine edge of lat­er albums (Oranges & Lemons, for instance). Maybe XTC just doesn't have the kitschy cache of oth­er 80's bands, who knows?Incidentally, you can read more about the most well-known song on the album. Here's a fan of Sarah, explain­ing why it's okay to love Sarah even if she ques­tions the exis­tence of God: "I do not believe that you should rule out a whole singer or album just because of one song that you do not care for."