
Spanish Idiazabal

I liked smoked cheese because it reminds me of the smok­ing destruc­tion often wrought by my favorite bas­ket­ball team, the Kansas Jay­hawks. Each win­ter, I ingest a healthy cross-sec­tion of smoked food — from Cyclone flambe to charred Soon­er, from grilled and skew­ered Mis­souri Tiger on a bed of greens to ten­der­ly fric­as­seed Corn­husker with a side of roast­ed Aggie. This spring's offer­ings were unusu­al­ly plen­ti­ful and tooth­some; dur­ing an epic late March week­end, I was treat­ed to slow-roast­ed Blue Dev­il a mere 48 hours before feast­ing upon seared Ari­zona Wild­cat. The Wild­cat, I must admit, was espe­cial­ly deli­cious con­sid­er­ing the cru­el, ter­ri­ble, ruth­less, unfor­get­table sur­prise grilling he had admin­is­tered on a leg­endary Jay­hawk team in the round of 16 in March 1997. In com­par­i­son to these smoky delights, Span­ish Idi­az­a­bal hard­ly mer­its men­tion. Yes, it is much nicer than many smoked Jacks and goudas that have uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly parad­ed through my lit­tle cheese draw­er, but still, com­pared to the deep, rich smok­i­ness emit­ted by a Kansas State Wild­cat torched by indis­crim­i­nate aer­i­al assault by Kansas guards, it might as well be Cheez-Whiz.

2 replies on “Spanish Idiazabal”

It looks your favorite chef is now going to be serv­ing Car­oli­na-style barbecue.

Yes, Roy turned his back on Kansas, and the moral out­rage felt by Jay­hawk Nation will not be quelled by a mere serv­ing of smoked Tar Heel. I, per­son­al­ly, want to see the entire ACC, and espe­cial­ly the Duke Blue Dev­ils, make a Food-not-Bombs-style Tar Heels stir fry every time they play on ESPN's Big Mon­day. I want to see Geor­gia Tech grind the Tar Heels into a fine pow­der, and I want the FDA to stamp not-for-human-con­sump­tion on that pow­der, and I want it to fat­ten pigs and cows through­out the South­east. Roy could have ruled Kansas; instead, he is forc­ing us to sec­tion, dice, skew­er, and BBQ him every March. I may shed a tear or two when I see the 'Hawks fir­ing up the grill, but I can't say that I'll feel too bad when Kei­th Lang­ford takes the first bite of the Roy-kebab in March 2004.

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