

This cheese is reput­ed to be King of the Blues, edg­ing out Roque­fort for the title of the strongest, sharpest, most pun­gent blue cheese in the world. At the urg­ing of the nice lady at Arti­san Cheese, Kat­ri­na and I sam­pled the King on Fri­day. Cabrales is a dark, grit­ty gray in col­or, with bumpy veins of pur­ple-ish blue. It looks like grav­el. Sad­ly, it tastes much the same. Imag­ine grav­el on the side of a busy high­way, home to road­kill and trash. Eat­ing cabrales is like hav­ing your taste buds molest­ed by an old man. The feel­ings of repul­sion and dis­gust take years to go away. Cabrales is a cheese that lingers on the palate. 20 min­utes lat­er there will be some entire­ly new nasty taste in your mouth. No me gusta.

3 replies on “Cabrales”

My taste buds are scan­dal­ized. The mere sug­ges­tion of (that ter­ri­ble thing that you sug­gest involv­ing an old man) makes me want to screen every cheese that I buy. I need to ensure that my taste buds will not be tak­en advan­tage of by some ran­dom cheese from the Rain­bow cheese counter. Does any­one have a secu­ri­ty pro­to­col that they'd like to share?

I agree, it is a ter­ri­ble thing to have done to one's mouth. The best secu­ri­ty pro­to­col would be to always have on hand some palate-cleans­ing pro­tec­tant, like a piece of fruit or a beer or any­thing oth­er than a dairy (or dairy-esque)-based bev­er­age. Also, if the cheese­mon­ger starts talk­ing about blues and strong, pow­er­ful fla­vors and the inten­si­ty of the mold, etc. BE WARNED.

I would like to amend some of my for­mer state­ments about cabrales. It is pos­si­ble that Kat­ri­na and I ran into a Cabrales turned mean, and that it was not rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the cheese as a whole. Just as the behav­ior of Sen­a­tor Strom Thur­mond and his fond­ness for young ladies is not rep­re­sen­ta­tive of South Car­oli­na as a whole. I had cabrales in a sal­ad at Alma last week, and it was very nice. Pun­gent and fla­vor­ful but not over­whelm­ing or nasty. I think it is a cheese best appre­ci­at­ed in the pres­ence of spinach, apples, etc., and not by itself.

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