
Palo Alto / Cruiser

The stan­dard cruis­er with noth­ing real­ly spe­cial to note except that, even after three years of run­ning through a cam­pus that is easy of the eyes: Stan­ford doesn't do it for me. The ster­ile insti­tu­tion­al­i­ty, the park­ing lots filled with BMWs, the lame sand­stoney build­ings, the false impor­tance, the Step­fordy aspect of the stu­dents in their lux­u­ri­ous sports­wear. It's all of these things, and none of them. There's some­thing unname­ably cheap about it; some­thing that hits you after­ward, like a bad smell. Either way, it's not a bad place to see at 8 miles an hour. Plus, there are always run­ners, like me, who look seri­ous about what they do, like I'm sure I do. So it's like get­ting a very mild stom­ach ache from food that you like, and then just eat­ing it again and again.