
Flor di Capra

Flor di capra is an organ­ic, aged goat cheese from Italy. I bought it at the Rain­bow the oth­er week in part because I had some Capri­cious (organ­ic, aged goat cheese from Cal­i­for­nia) at home and want­ed to com­pare how they taste. Leslie par­tic­i­pat­ed in a sim­i­lar tast­ing last week at Buffy. Flor di Capra is very tasty, but it smells and tastes amaz­ing­ly like grass. It lit­er­al­ly taste how lying in a field of grass smells. And at the rind it tastes like dirt, the way grass at the root tastes of dirt. And the Capri­cious, as not­ed here else­where, tastes like salty sea air. This made me think a lot about the con­cept of ter­roir, and how I wish there was a word for this in Eng­lish, both because say­ing some­thing in French always makes it sound pre­ten­tious and stuck-up, as opposed to a sound and true prin­ci­ple, and also because the fact that there's no word for it in Eng­lish points to the fact that we don't think it's impor­tant. And it is. Isn't it a piece of basic com­mon sense that things taste like where they are grown, or made? If goats live by the ocean and eat grass that grows in salt air, and then their milk is made into a cheese that is then aged in a cave by that ocean, doesn't it make sense that it tastes like the salty sea in a creamy milk-based form?