
City Summits / After Dark

It's called After-Dark for a rea­son; okay, for a few rea­sons. I take 19th Street through the peace­ful, fam­i­ly-friend­ly envi­rons of Dolores Park through the beef­caked Cas­tro, and then cut through that lit­tle park on Seward, skirt Kite Hill and final­ly corkscrew up and over the foot­bridge that dumps onto Romain in Twin Peaks. And from the cin­e­mat­ic, we move to the panoram­ic. Romain dead-ends into Gray­stone, or some street like that, but I main­tain max­i­mum veloc­i­ty and keep head­ing straight and go up up up the side of the hill. No trails. Just me, the black­ber­ry bush­es, and the pain. With­in 100 yards, I'm in the park­ing lot of an ele­men­tary school, and with­in anoth­er 50, I'm on a real trail that switch­es back all the way up to the view­ing area atop Twin Peaks. This is where it gets quite lit­er­al­ly very dark. The trail to the top is usu­al­ly unevent­ful, except for the amaz­ing views as you take the last lit­tle switch­back before the top. After deliv­er­ing the GE design work at the lit­er­al — LITERAL — ass-crack of dawn, I was very, very ready to run this evening. A love­ly, love­ly evening to run, too.