It's called After-Dark for a reason; okay, for a few reasons. I take 19th Street through the peaceful, family-friendly environs of Dolores Park through the beefcaked Castro, and then cut through that little park on Seward, skirt Kite Hill and finally corkscrew up and over the footbridge that dumps onto Romain in Twin Peaks. And from the cinematic, we move to the panoramic. Romain dead-ends into Graystone, or some street like that, but I maintain maximum velocity and keep heading straight and go up up up the side of the hill. No trails. Just me, the blackberry bushes, and the pain. Within 100 yards, I'm in the parking lot of an elementary school, and within another 50, I'm on a real trail that switches back all the way up to the viewing area atop Twin Peaks. This is where it gets quite literally very dark. The trail to the top is usually uneventful, except for the amazing views as you take the last little switchback before the top. After delivering the GE design work at the literal — LITERAL — ass-crack of dawn, I was very, very ready to run this evening. A lovely, lovely evening to run, too.