
City run / Diamond Life

A lit­tle light rain always kin­da spices up a run. It sprin­kled on and off this evening as I did anoth­er lit­tle tour of the alley­ways of Glen Park, and then some­how end­ed up in a hous­ing project on top of Dia­mond Heights. It was sur­re­al, real­ly; I kept climb­ing high­er and high­er, and the hous­es were get­ting big­ger and big­ger, and then I noticed glass from a bro­ken car win­dow on the ground. The hous­es didn't look par­tic­u­lar­ly like pub­lic hous­ing, but they def­i­nite­ly were not cut from the same cloth as the hill­top palaces around Twin Peaks, Bue­na Vista Park, Coro­na Heights, etc. But it makes a weird sort of sense — being stuck on top of a hill isn't too dif­fer­ent, real­ly, from being stuck out near the air­port, or just — away — from essen­tial things, places that peo­ple don't have to pass through to get any­where else. When I got back down to Glen Park, I found the best alley­way yet … it was right below the pub­lic hous­ing, and it was a good 300 yards of dirt road that leads to an awe­some, secret-feel­ing lit­tle park.