san francisco visual

Domestic policy / US out of everywhere

US out of North America

Long ago, some­one spray paint­ed "US out of North Dako­ta" on the wall of the Cave, a lit­tle bar in the base­ment of a Car­leton dorm. It was direct­ly above the stage, a stage where I saw a lot of good bands (Walt Mink, FIREHOSE, Phish, and prob­a­bly oth­ers). So I spent a lot of time star­ing at it. It made a deep impres­sion on me. I still think about it. Which reminds me: Seces­sion. The coun­ties of North­ern Cal­i­for­nia and South­ern Ore­gon tried to secede from their respec­tive states in the 40's. True sto­ry. So any­way, it makes me real­ly hap­py that Justin took this pho­to of a Duster in his neigh­bor­hood in Berke­ley. Dis­sent! It's your patri­ot­ic duty.