
Friday milkshake: Panda Bear meets Atlas Sound

Fri­day for me usu­al­ly means James Brown and Stere­o­lab, but today it's Pan­da Bear and Atlas Sound, a guy from Deer­hunter. I have been play­ing the 1s and 0s out of their new thing. Warn­ing: It's going to give you a crav­ing to drink a milk­shake with equal parts Beach Boys, organs of the Motown vari­ety, and Ani­mal Col­lec­tive raspy echoes.Atlas Sound guy describes the begin­ning of the col­lab­o­ra­tion, from Brook­lyn Veg­an:

I toured for a peri­od in Europe with Ani­mal Col­lec­tive, whose band dynam­ic was very inspi­ra­tional to be around. On the bus, we often played impro­vised iPod games. We would take turns for­mu­lat­ing a theme or uni­fy­ing con­cept and then play three songs. The goal would be for every­one to try and fig­ure out the theme. Dur­ing one of these games, some­one played "What Am I Going to Do" by the Dovers. I was amazed at the hook — a weird organ thing with drums and elec­tric bass. I men­tioned to Noah that some­one should real­ly sam­ple that riff. He agreed and he taught me a lit­tle about sam­pling and match­ing up beats. This end­ed up as the col­lab­o­ra­tive effort "Walk­a­bout."

Via Tom Haver­ford, aka Randy, aka Aziz Ansari.

music reviews san francisco

Tim Cohen / Sounds for fog & summer

My pal Greg Gard­ner is work­ing on some night moves called Secret Sev­en Records. A few months ago, he released some friend­ly sounds by Mt. Egypt, and now he's get­ting ready to drop some more home cook­ing: The Two Sides of Tim Cohen. It's a solo album by a local rap­scal­lion named Tim Cohen, for­mer­ly of Black Fic­tion, and it's a real nice col­lec­tion of fog­gy folk songs. I tend to favor the loose, spacey side of rock music, and this album is open and astral — but with rough edges that remind­ed me of Pan­da Bear minus the Beach Boys-ish har­monies. More Floyd, ear­ly Floyd. Saucer­ful of Secrets, sound­track to "More" Floyd. What­ev­er the vibe is, it's rough and qui­et and psy­che­del­ic and prob­a­bly has British roots. But I'll stop before I say more because it's bet­ter than I'm mak­ing it sound, and I'll prob­a­bly be on someone's knuck­le sand­wich list if I throw around any more crazy notions. I'll attach a song that's more Leonard Cohen, or maybe mel­low Replace­ments, than Floyd, okay?