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Uhhhhh-hot pants! That's where it's at.

James Brown - Hot Pants - Wordle

Wor­dle seems sort of per­fect for rep­re­sent­ing James Brown lyrics. I used Inter­net lyrics, which don't appear to be a true tran­scrip­tion of the ver­sion on In the Jun­gle Groove, which is 8+ min­utes of "huh!" and "hey!" and "Good God!" and "smokin!" Still, good enough. While you're con­sid­er­ing James Brown as a lyri­cist, you should check out Eddie Murphy's theme song for "James Brown's Celebri­ty Hot Tub Par­ty" — the video; and in Wor­dle, which is an inter­est­ing way of visu­al­iz­ing one ele­ment of the satire.