flickr the ancient past

I love Michigan in the summer.

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10 things about Gabe & Yoshi's wedding:

  • The bride and groom. Our gold­en cou­ple. The whole week­end was a per­fect reflec­tion of what we all love about them. 
  • Kala­ma­zoo. Charm­ing and fun. Shady trees, greasy spoons, a sur­pris­ing­ly fan­cy art museum. 
  • The wind­ing, tree-lined streets of Kala­ma­zoo. Grid-less! Baf­fling! Lon­don, Boston — those cities have noth­ing on the com­plex­i­ty of Kala­ma­zoo. If some kids on skate­boards hadn't point­ed the way, we would have missed the begin­ning of the wed­ding. Thanks, kids!
  • Fire­flies and Christ­mas lights. The bride's sister's boyfriend (Andrew) host­ed a love­ly after-par­ty on the night of the rehearsal din­ner. Usu­al­ly these par­ties are ill-planned and bar-ori­ent­ed, but this one was well-exe­cut­ed out­side on a beau­ti­ful back porch lit by Christ­mas lights and fireflies. 
  • The Kal-Haven Trail. Near­ly a death-by-humid­i­ty experience. 
  • Suite 702. Post-wed­ding sing-alongs, beer-scroung­ing and hotel-room-jacuzzi-ing at the Radis­son. Classy.
  • The excel­lent, eclec­tic food. Not that there's any­thing wrong with the salmon filet/side salad/baked pota­to thing, but it was pleas­ant­ly sur­pris­ing to get a nour­ish­ing, unique meal at a wed­ding recep­tion. I actu­al­ly ate this food, and liked it. Nice work, wed­ding plan­ners and caterers.
  • Friends & fam­i­ly rep­re­sent­ing. While I didn't do such a great job of cir­cu­lat­ing among those I hadn't known for 15 years, I couldn't help but notice the col­lec­tive high spir­its and fes­tive attire of all in atten­dance. Plaid pants, flow­ered dress­es, smiles, laugh­ter — all good. 
  • Louise's toast. I, for one, did not know that the groom's moth­er met the bride's father dur­ing fresh­man week at Car­leton. Amaz­ing. The stars had been spelling it out since day 1, really.
  • It must be said: Maggie's boobs.