
City run / Nebraska

a hill-less run from fol­som street to glen canyon park by way of precita park. i did a lit­tle explor­ing, and found anoth­er great unpaved alley called ohlone way near glen park. i also came across a sin­is­ter lit­tle sum­mit park near the inter­sec­tion of bosworth, con­go and elk streets. it's called dorothy w. some­thing park, and in the soft focus of this evening's rain and fog, it looked like el gre­co meets the broth­ers grimm — rocky and uneven ter­rain, droopy trees, ringed by a crap­py, root-rid­dled trail. on a gen­tler note, the lit­tle flower hut at 23rd and shotwell was open tonight, bright light and flow­ers burst­ing out the door, mak­ing hap­py haloes in the mist.