I've always been a proponent of civilized living (and I think we are all agreed that cheese is the bedrock upon which civilization is constructed) and today, after an unextremely uncivilized wait at the post office to turn over things that already had postage on them but weighed more than a pound and were only going to two separate addresses but were in six separate packages (why can't the intern ever grasp the difference between international and domestic mail? why?), I realized I needed a good dose of civilized living. So I went to lunch at Metropole and had a nice sandwich. More importantly, I had a glass of wine with my lunch. Why are we not drinking wine or beer or cocktails at lunch? Because Specialty's doesn't serve them? What has happened to the heyday of the three-martini lunch? Here's the thing—it really took the edge off, that glass of wine. Civilization is ending (it feels like the entire known world is hurtling towards apocalypse) and so maybe we ought to be taking advantage of as much as the civilized world can offer us—drinks with lunch, an entire cake of Humboldt Fog to ourselves, the consolations of High Life.
2 replies on “Civilized Living”
Because it's not like I operate heavy machinery at work. What's the worst that could happen? I might put a semicolon in the wrong place, or confuse Chicago style with that of the AP.
As a person who knows the allure of the lunchtime cocktail, I must say that there is a very fine balance between the cocktail's perceived positive effect on productivity, and its actual effect on productivity. For instance, during the American League Division Series last year, I did a lot of work from Antonio's Nut House, which is just down the road from Cooper HQ in Palo Alto. I thought that I was dominating my work, but the terrible truth was that I just felt good. The presentation was, umm, not getting done.