cheese non-cheese

Espadrilles and guns

I'm assum­ing we will inter­rupt our reg­u­lar­ly sched­uled pro­gram­ming for round-the-clock cov­er­age of the sit­u­a­tion in Zurich, name­ly, that tal­ent­ed actor Don John­son has been detained at the Swiss-Ger­man bor­der with a car full of $8 BILLION "in bonds, stocks and cred­it notes in his pos­ses­sion, stuffed in a suit­case". I'm both shocked and sad­dened by these events. One might say that Johnson's sto­ry has more holes than Swiss cheese. And yes, that's BILLION, with a B.

4 replies on “Espadrilles and guns”

This is a top­ic that would be bet­ter suit­ed to an emailed link, rather than a post on CHEESE. I invent­ed a new cat­e­go­ry for it — non-cheese — but I'd real­ly like to see CHEESE stay with­in the very loose frame­work of cheese and cheese and the cheese-ori­ent­ed lifestyle.

oops sor­ry. i post­ed two com­ments instead of one to your snot­ty "Don John­son is not cheese" com­ment. sor­ry. delete them all. i don't care, i'll take my wit else­where. bye bye.

Okay, so, maybe I should go over some first prin­ci­ples of forums like this: First, the rea­son that we have this is so that we can group and cat­e­go­rize our thoughts and feel­ings; in this case, we're con­fin­ing it to our thoughts and feel­ings about one top­ic: Cheese. We could con­tin­ue do this with email, but it's hard to archive email, and almost impos­si­ble to find the tasty nugs in old mes­sages. So this helps us orga­nize and pre­serve our stuff. Sec­ond, a blog is dif­fer­ent from email in that it sticks; it is not ephemer­al. It's not just read, send, delete, etc; it's post, com­ment, and refer to lat­er. How­ev­er, an ephemer­al medi­um like email is good for ephemer­al top­ics, like Don John­son get­ting bust­ed in Switzer­land. Third, I don't want you to leave, Leslie. And I invent­ed the new cat­e­go­ry because I fig­ured that there would, at some point, be non-cheese items that will be sticky, and that these things should have a place on CHEESE. Fourth, rules are not bad. They cre­ate pre­dictabil­i­ty and order. They will help CHEESE meet the expec­ta­tions of peo­ple who will use it, and keep it from being intim­i­dat­ing­ly open-end­ed forum that Dirty Sanchez was. Let your wit run free, Leslie, and use the appro­pri­ate forums to chan­nel it. When it hap­pens to fall upon things relat­ed to cheese, bring it.

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