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Photos / Bridge and Bay panoramas

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The weath­er has been get­ting nicer, so I've been jump­ing at any chance to ride my bike. Last Thurs­day morn­ing, I rode across the Gold­en Gate Bridge and up into the Marin Head­lands as the sun was com­ing up, and I stopped to take some pho­tos as it was peek­ing above the hori­zon. When I was going through the results, I real­ized that the indi­vid­ual pic­tures didn't real­ly do jus­tice to the moment, so I poked around the Inter­net look­ing for some­thing bet­ter than Photoshop's stitch­ing util­i­ty. Autos­titch to the res­cue! It's sim­ple, straight­for­ward, and it instan­ta­neous­ly pro­duces panora­mas with­out dis­cernible seams even with just a few pictures.

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(I was so intrigued by the above results that I decid­ed to try it with cell­phone pic­tures). Last Sat­ur­day, we had a pic­nic at Kir­by Cove, a lit­tle val­ley on the Marin side of the bridge. It was fog­gy and cold for the first hour or so, but then it start­ed to burn off and I took some pho­tos with my lit­tle cell phone cam­era. Once again, Autostich worked mag­ic on it. Here's to technology!