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Philly / A few minutes at Space 1026

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I was in Philadel­phia last Thurs­day evening, and I dis­cov­ered that I was stay­ing near Space 1026, a studio/gallery near down­town. Some artists from 1026 had some cool work in a show at Yer­ba Bue­na a while ago, I walked over and spent a few min­utes walk­ing around as the res­i­dents were set­ting up for the place's 10th anniver­sary party. 

It's got a pret­ty great vibe; part punk club, part work­shop, part hobo vil­lage. Sit­u­at­ed above some retail space near the bus sta­tion, there's a nice open space in the front, but the major­i­ty is sec­tioned off into sev­en or eight (or more) most­ly small stu­dios dense­ly packed with art sup­plies, knick-knacks, bikes, and oth­er crap. I didn't get to see much, but I took some pic­tures of the var­i­ous hall­ways and spaces so check em out.

One reply on “Philly / A few minutes at Space 1026”

I went there sev­er­al years ago and real­ly dug it–I'm glad to see it hasn't changed.

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