
Goat Cheese Pyramid

The Andante Dairy goat cheese pyra­mid is a lit­tle like that rare wood­peck­er in Arkansas that some peo­ple say they have seen and oth­ers say is extinct. If you can get up ear­ly enough, you might catch a fleet­ing glimpse of the pyra­mid at the Andante stand at the Fer­ry Plaza Sat­ur­day Farm­ers Mar­ket. I have been lucky enough to catch it twice; all oth­er times I have either been too late (and I would argue that 9:00 a.m. shouldn't be con­sid­ered late for a week­end morn­ing unless you hap­pen to have a baby in the house) or the per­son at the stand has denied all knowl­edge of even the exis­tence of the pyra­mid. The pyra­mid is an aged goat cheese, firm and creamy, yet a lit­tle crumbly, the per­fect con­sis­ten­cy for eat­ing on a crack­er. The first time I bought one, I served it to din­ner guests, ladies with petite appetites who only ate half of it and I spent a glo­ri­ous week eat­ing goat cheese pyra­mid on starr ridge crack­ers for din­ner. The sec­ond time I bought one, I served it to din­ner guests, rav­en­ous glut­tons who devoured the whole thing in the time it took me to prep a leg of lamb for the grill. My rec­om­men­da­tion: put the pyra­mid on your life list while main­tain­ing to oth­ers that it is only a myth.