lit outdoors the ancient past visual

100 Northern California Hiking Trails

I stum­bled upon a trea­sure trove of old out­doors books at Icon­o­clast Books in Ketchum, Ida­ho this week­end; this one's from 1970. 

100 Hiking Trails - CoverThe cov­er ulti­mate­ly doesn't make much dif­fer­ence, but I like this one.

100 Hiking Trails - SectionIf only hik­ing through sun cups like these was as serene and love­ly as the pho­to implies. Also, the intro­duc­to­ry text instructs Yosemite vis­i­tors, "DO NOT FEED, TEASE OR MOLEST THE BEARS." Noted.

100 Hiking Trails - TrailThe page lay­out is classy, and the book is sim­ple to nav­i­gate — each set of fac­ing pages describes one hike. Also, the map is intend­ed as a thumb­nail overview, not as the actu­al guide for use dur­ing the hike. (In 1970, maps could be acquired by send­ing $0.50 to the USGS.)

100 Hiking Trails - DetailHow do you know which map to pur­chase from the USGS for $0.50? The rel­e­vant USGS map ID infor­ma­tion is in the top left cor­ner of each page! Each hike has a sum­ma­ry that con­tains all the impor­tant stuff — dis­tance, ele­va­tion change, esti­mat­ed time, and so on, ordered from most broad (and impor­tant) to most specific.