san francisco tech tip

Free WiFi to roll into SF

Flickr photo

So appar­ent­ly Google and Earth­link are team­ing up to pro­vide free WiFi ser­vice to all of SF (via Giz­mo­do). While we're still a ways from know­ing what this will actu­al­ly mean — main­ly, will be acces­si­ble at 14th and Valen­cia, third floor apart­ment? — it is intrigu­ing to me that Google is involved. Unlike Earth­link, Google has nev­er gouged me, or failed to pro­vide ser­vice that I've paid for, or sold my name and home address to direct marketers. 

So I guess you could say that I'm hope­ful. Maybe some­day soon I'll be able to work from Pac Bell (er, I mean, SBC … er, I mean AT&T) Park, or Bue­na Vista Park, or the lit­tle red­wood grove out­side the Transamer­i­ca build­ing.
Or from my roof. (See the photo).