street art visual

Art / Palestine: "The ultimate activity holiday destination for graffiti writers"

Palestinian wall - 1
Banksy wall - 2

The British street artist Banksy just paint­ed nine provoca­tive murals on the wall that sep­a­rates the West Bank from Israel. The sar­don­ic quote in the title is Banksy's reflec­tion on his work there. He goes into a lit­tle more detail on his site. The Guardian and BBC both cov­ered it, and there is at least a lit­tle dis­agree­ment over the mean­ing and rel­e­vance of polit­i­cal­ly-moti­vat­ed street art here and here.While we're on the sub­ject of Banksy, here's my pre­vi­ous favorite project of his. As the BBC sub-head describes it, "Fake pre­his­toric rock art of a cave­man with a shop­ping trol­ley has been hung on the walls of the British Museum."