cheese cheese lifestyle

The name of the cheese

As a young­ster, I real­ly liked the book "I Am The Cheese" by Robert Cormi­er. I think it's time for a re-read. As I recall, "The Choco­late War", also by Robert Cormi­er, was pret­ty good too. Those books, along with "A Sep­a­rate Peace" (John Knowles), "Catch­er in the Rye" (Jerome David Salinger), and the major Hol­ly­wood movies "School Ties" (Bren­dan Fras­er) and "Dead Poets Soci­ety" (Robert Sean Leonard) made me so glad I nev­er had to attend an elite all boys prep school on the East Coast. Based on the above evi­dence, it just seems like those places were hotbeds of mis­ery that spe­cial­ized in pro­duc­ing teenage souls black­ened like lit­tle pieces of charred toast. Also the death rate at such schools seems to be alarm­ing­ly high. On the oth­er hand, the pop­u­lar tele­vi­sion pro­gram "The Facts of Life" and the nov­el "The Bell Jar" made it seem like elite girls schools on the East Coast were real­ly fun places where every­one roller-skat­ed around and made out with charis­mat­ic British poets. MY NAME IS: Leslie Kather­ine Albrecht