cheese cheese lifestyle

International korner

In Asia, there is no cheese. lka

5 replies on “International korner”

Okay, you're off to a great start here, Leslie, but I'd like to offer a cou­ple of sug­ges­tions: (1) The title of the post, ide­al­ly, should be the name of a cheese. (2) If you want to talk about Velvee­ta, talk about Velvee­ta, and make the title of your post "Velvee­ta". You can work your word­play — i.e, "Vel­vet Rev­o­lu­tion" — into the body of the post. (3) Sim­i­lar­ly, if you want to talk about Que­so, you should make a sep­a­rate post about it. (4) You do not need to ini­tial your posts "lka," because, the third col­umn will always show your name. These are just sug­ges­tions, of course. Keep up the good work.

umm ok yeah. thanks for the "tips" about the "rules" for your Cyber Cheese Club. — LESLIE KATHERINE ALBRECHT.

Okay, one oth­er thing that I want to say about this is: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THERE IS NO CHEESE IN ASIA? What is paneer? Paneer is cheese, is it not? And India is in Asia, is it not? Let's try to avoid broad­cast­ing obvi­ous­ly false claims in our CHEESE posts, shall we?

Dear Admin­is­tra­tor With Pas­sion for Micro-Man­ag­ing His Online Cheese Cha­t­room: Paneer is not cheese. Paneer is a cheese-like sub­stance made of curds, whey, and puppy's breath. To the west­ern tongue, it feels like cheese, but it is not cheese. And India opt­ed out of Asia in about 1947. True, there have been sight­ings of cheese in and around The Sub­con­ti­nent. The most recent sight­ing was in Octo­ber 1999, when some­one spot­ted John Tesh tuck­ing into a pain au choco­lat at a side­walk cafe in Colom­bo. — Lollywood.

First of all, paneer is not made from curds and whey. Paneer is just curds. Whey is the stuff that is sep­a­rat­ed from the curds. And when you sep­a­rate curds from whey, you call the curds "cheese".

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