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Hi! We're glad that you're thinking about coming to our wedding!

So, the next thing to con­sid­er is where to stay. The wed­ding is in Nica­s­io, but there aren't real­ly hotels or inns or B&B's in Nica­s­io. This is part of what makes it nice, but it com­pli­cates things when you want to gath­er 100 or so of your best fam­i­ly and friends.

There are the three gen­er­al areas that are close to Nicasio:

  • San Rafael is east of Nica­s­io, 10–15 min­utes on curvy roads. San Rafael is sort of the "big city" of Marin. It's not the most pic­turesque loca­tion in Marin; then again you prob­a­bly won't be there much.
  • Point Reyes Sta­tion is west of Nica­s­io, 20 min­utes on very curvy roads. Point Reyes is a small town in rur­al West Marin that is one part cow town and one part fan­cy Cal­i­for­nia des­ti­na­tion. It's fun and scenic, and you're just min­utes away from the epic Point Reyes Nation­al Seashore.
  • Ole­maInver­ness are both west of Nica­s­io, 25 min­utes on very curvy roads. They're small­er towns just a lit­tle fur­ther away than Point Reyes Station.
San Rafael

The Sher­a­ton Four Points in San Rafael has 25 rooms set aside just for you. This is about as eco­nom­i­cal as you'll get in Marin Coun­ty, and it's a leisure­ly 15 min­utes of curvy roads from the wed­ding site. (Please par­don the tacky website). 

Point Reyes Station

Ferrando's Cot­tage and Hide­away is near Point Reyes Sta­tion and offers a cou­ple of dif­fer­ent options: (1) a mod­ern nice bun­ga­low for 2, or (b) or a mod­ern nice cot­tage for 4. Bonus points: Both have hot tubs. Final­ly, it's a nice 25 minute walk from Point Reyes Station. 

The Gold­en Hinde Inn is a motel and mari­na between Point Reyes and Inver­ness. Two good things about it: On the water and affordable. 

The sim­i­lar­ly named Point Reyes Sta­tion Inn and Point Reyes Coun­try Inn are both nice, basic and close to town. 

The Black Heron Inn has stun­ning views and three great rooms. 

Olema & Inverness

We're big fans of The Bear Val­ley Inn, a nice lit­tle B&B that serves fresh, local food for their break­fasts. It also offers dis­counts to peo­ple who ride bikes to it. So, if you're up for a 50-mile ride from SFO, you can get 10% off your room. Allez! 

West Marin has dozens of fan­cy inns. For the high-rollers who want a nice blend of rus­tic and fan­cy with the empha­sis on fan­cy, there are cab­ins at MankasThe Ole­ma Druids Hall

The Ole­ma Cab­ins are fan­cy pri­vate cab­ins about 20 min­utes from the wed­ding site. Sun­flower, Berryvine, Berryvine, Cypress, and The Nest all look nice. 

The Point Reyes Seashore Inn is a pret­ty basic hotel. 

There are camp sites at Samuel P. Tay­lor Park which are 25 min­utes from wed­ding. It could be busy that week­end, so check it out soon. 

Here's a map. Click this to get a bet­ter view. 

To recap
Friday, August 14 — Sunday, August 16

BBQ on Fri­day evening; cer­e­mo­ni­al events on Sat­ur­day; casu­al hang­ing out on Sunday.

In Nicasio, California

The fes­tiv­i­ties will hap­pen in and around an estate in Nica­s­io, which is a nice lit­tle town an hour north of San Fran­cis­co, between San Rafael (15 mins east) and Point Reyes Sta­tion (20 mins west).

Let us know if you have any ques­tions … dougand­mara at gmail dot com.


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Answers to all* your questions