
If tall heels hadn't been popular

Date­line: A Mex­i­can dis­cotheque in the ear­ly 1970s. "Rick­ey [Hen­der­son] had a pair of heels on that were about four inch­es high. Every­thing was fine until these peo­ple came in yelling that they had guns. Then they start­ed shoot­ing" … Hen­der­son ducked under a table as gun­fire strafed the room. When the shoot­ing end­ed, Hen­der­son looked down and saw a bul­let hole had gone all the way through the heel of his shoe. "If tall heels hadn't been pop­u­lar, Rick­ey Hen­der­son might have had his career ruined." The nar­ra­tor was for­mer Japan­ese base­ball leg­end, Randy Bass (aka Ba-su), from a 1987 SI pro­file: The Hottest Amer­i­can Import in Japan.