san francisco tip visual

Stars are just like us! / They wear cool barettes

Violet wears Mara's barrettes

The classi­est fam in Hol­ly­wood loves Mara's bar­rettes; this time Vio­let rocks them. Nice. Buy em here, and pass it on.

san francisco tip visual

Caught in the act! / Jennifer Garner wears Greenaway

File this one under: Holy crap. It has come to the atten­tion of the tabloid-read­ing world that Jen­nifer Gar­ner was seen wear­ing red bar­rettes! But, wait, there's more. A cer­tain bar­rette-mak­ing friend of ours made them. By hand. In San Francisco.


Jennifer Garner wears barrettes


This is from Just Jared, and I must say: If the blog real­ly is just a guy named Jared writ­ing about celebri­ties, my hat is off to him. He pub­lish­es some tid­bit of celebri­ty gos­sip rough­ly every 5 sec­onds. That's ded­i­ca­tion, homes. If you're inter­est­ed in the bar­rettes, you can buy a pair for your­self at Lit­tle Some­thing; if you're con­cerned that they'll make you look like Jen­nifer Gar­ner, you can ask Mara for some guid­ance in the prop­er way to wear them.


Snap snap snap


I'm glad that the bar­rettes got the full paparazzi treat­ment. A cou­ple of pho­tos just wouldn't have been suf­fi­cient. Bet­ter get 17 and be safe. Check em all out.(Con­grat­u­la­tions, you big loser).