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Muxtape / Non-interface interface excellence

Mux­tape has blown up — just a mat­ter of time, I guess — but I hope this doesn't mean that they'll add a bunch of "fea­tures" to it. It's basi­cal­ly two things — the home­page where you pick a mix, and the play­er where you lis­ten — and it doesn't need much more. Real­ly! Please! 

Muxtape - home

Part one of two: The home page. It's where the "nav­i­ga­tion" is. There's no key­word search, no "cat­e­gories." Just you, the name of each mix like a stick­er on a cas­sette tape, and the sense of root­ing around in a cryp­tic vir­tu­al shoe­box, pop­ping a mix in, lis­ten­ing for a lit­tle while, strik­ing gold, or not, and mov­ing on. It's a real­ly love­ly and evoca­tive of the sim­pler, more mys­te­ri­ous times.

Muxtape - play

Part two of two: The "play­er." It's genius. No "friends" or "peo­ple who are also lis­ten­ing to this" or "mes­sag­ing" or "you may also like." Just the songs, links to buy them, and an indi­ca­tion of which track is playing.For the record, I don't think it needs much else. What­ev­er hap­pens, I real­ly hope this stuff is NOT added:

  • Search. Please, no search. Of course search would make it eas­i­er to find mix­es that "match" your key­words, but who wants that? Well, I did, at first, but after I poked around I real­ized that I was hav­ing way more fun explor­ing, let­ting go of the way that I nor­mal­ly explore. We need more non-key­word-ori­ent­ed ways of explor­ing! Seri­ous­ly! It's way more fun to roll the dice than to look for what you think that you want, and it's some­how more appro­pri­ate to music
  • Any kind of "pro­file-gen­er­at­ing." The mad­ness must be stopped some­where, some­time. A way to con­nect with mix-mak­ers would be nice, but no names, birth­days, pic­tures, blogs, or any of that.
  • Any kind of more "pre­dictable" home­page. Please. Just show the ran­dom stuff. Let peo­ple start here. It's scary and frus­trat­ing and annoy­ing at first, but it becomes fun, mag­i­cal. Per­fect! Done!