
Garry Winogrand's Guggenheim grant

Con­tin­u­ing the dis­cus­sion of inter­est­ing and inspi­ra­tional grant-writ­ing exam­ples, here's a piece from pho­tog­ra­ph­er Gar­ry Wino­grand's Guggen­heim fel­low­ship appli­ca­tion, 1963:

I look at the pic­tures I have done up to now, and they make me feel that who we are and how we feel and what is to become of us just doesn't mat­ter. Our aspi­ra­tions and suc­cess­es have been cheap and pet­ty. I read the news­pa­pers, the colum­nists, some books, I look at some mag­a­zines (our press). They all deal in illu­sions and fan­tasies. I can only con­clude that we have lost our­selves, and that the bomb may fin­ish the job per­ma­nent­ly, and it just doesn't mat­ter, we have not loved life … I can­not accept my con­clu­sions, and so I must con­tin­ue this pho­to­graph­ic inves­ti­ga­tion fur­ther and deep­er. This is my project.

Found and for­ward­ed by Leslie.