
NFL conundrums / Culpepper or Garcia? Jamarcus Russell or Brady Quinn?

Over­heard on Col­lege Humor's week­ly sports chat, Straight Cash, Homey:

Ethan: Who has the bet­ter NFL career: Rus­sell or Quinn?Amir: That's an impos­si­ble ques­tion. I couldn't even tell you whos hav­ing a bet­ter career: Culpep­per or Gar­cia, and they've had like 15 sea­sons between them. I'll guess for you though: Rus­sell. He's big­ger, faster, and stronger. I'm real­ly curi­ous to see a 6'6" 260 pound quar­ter­back will do in the NFL. Can you imag­ine him and Bran­don Jacobs on the same team?

I'm kin­da just doing this to try out Clip­marks [Ver­dict: Use­ful, but insert­ed a huge amount of HTML crap into the clip­ping], but hey, those Col­lege Humor guys are fun­ny. And I'm skep­ti­cal about Jamar­cus Rus­sell, any­way. Even though he seems like a great guy, and he has a good QB pres­ence, I'm just not sure that a guy his size with­out proven tra­di­tion­al QB skills is such a good bet with the #1 pick. Why not Calvin John­son? The guy is a sure­fire super­star. But a per­fect storm has been cre­at­ed: Rus­sell is in the draft and the Raiders' have the #1 pick. Al Davis is a gam­bler, and he loves any­thing uncon­ven­tion­al. I sus­pect that he'll not be able to resist.Earlier in the chat, they equat­ed Trent Green and Rich Gan­non and, in all seri­ous­ness, I don't know how you can com­pare the two. They were both referred to as slow, which, umm, is just patent­ly untrue for Gan­non, who made his name with his wil­i­ness and speed. The dude had about one-third the arm strength of Joe Mon­tana and still won an MVP. Green is slow, of course, though not as slow as, say, Dirk Nowitzki.