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Saul Steinberg - Robert Frank - The Americans - Les Americains - first edition

Saul Stein­berg's cov­er for the first edi­tion The Amer­i­cans by Robert Frank. Pub­lish­er Robert Delpire: "The only point of dis­agree­ment was the cov­er. I insist­ed right away on using a draw­ing by Saul Stein­berg, whom I had met and whose work I liked. Frank said, 'It's a book of pho­tos, we could use a pho­to.' I told him, 'You can use a pho­to for the Amer­i­can edi­tion, but let me use a Stein­berg draw­ing.' But when I reprint­ed the book in 1986, I used a pho­to­graph because I had dis­cov­ered, basi­cal­ly, that he was right."