
Dr. Phil's worst nightmare

Charles Barkley recent­ly referred to Ron Artest as "Dr. Phil's worst night­mare," but he's kept a cool head dur­ing this series with the Lak­ers. Most­ly. I mean, he's only got, what, three T's? Any­way, he's intense on the court, but I think that even Dr. Phil would be impressed with his abil­i­ty to sep­a­rate his work per­sona from his life per­sona. At last night's post-game press con­fer­ence: "'Five Dol­lar Foot-Long' is one of the best songs … That's a hot song. You've got the, and then 'Five Dol­lar Foot-long' comes on. When 'Five Dol­lar Foot-long' comes on, they should play that in the club." I feel you, Ron. For the last three weeks, this has popped into my head: "Five. Five dol­lar. Five dol­lar foot loooong. G‑g-g-goin on. At Sub­way." Again. And again.


Mark Strand, Keeping Things Whole

In a field / I am the absence / of field. / This is / always the case. / Wher­ev­er I am / I am what is miss­ing — Mark Strand, "Keep­ing Things Whole"