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Rachell Sumpter / Ethereal, still, and strange

rachell_sumpter_argonautsRachell Sumpter, Arg­onauts. From her col­lec­tion at the Richard Heller Gallery.

Her stuff reminds me of lots of oth­er artists I like — Evah Fan and some aspects of Julian­na Bright, for two. Maybe it's some­thing about the West Coast, but they're all sim­ple and light at first glance, but also deeply still, and it's a still­ness that reveals some­thing sur­pris­ing, impos­si­ble, or dis­com­fort­ing, but in an amus­ing way. Usu­al­ly. Any­way, there's lots more Rachell Sumpter prints and stuff at Lit­tle Paper Planes, and some draw­ings, prints, water­col­ors and more from a 2006 show at Six­space.