
Truth, fiction, the Village Voice, Sylvestergate

Vil­lage Voice writer Nick Sylvester joins the ranks of defamed young jour­nal­ists with his recent for­ay into research fab­ri­ca­tion — i.e., he basi­cal­ly invent­ed a (most­ly unre­mark­able) scene that neat­ly summed up his thoughts in an arti­cle on Neil Strauss's The Game and its effect on NYC dat­ing cul­ture. The obvi­ous­ly weird thing is that the "research" he faked was the kind of thing that most young reporters would not even think of as "research." An assign­ment requir­ing lots of time in bars and night­clubs, watch­ing peo­ple hit on each oth­er? That's the kind of embed­ded jour­nal­ism that a (now for­mer) music writer should be able to han­dle, right?Disappointly, he doesn't real­ly do much with the lies and deceit, mak­ing Sylvester the writer rough­ly 2000% less inter­est­ing than Stephen Glass who at least endeav­ored to write a riv­et­ing sto­ry with his fak­ery. It's also clear that Jayson Blair's jock­strap is still in need to trans­port when one finds that Sylvester quotes real peo­ple who he nev­er, umm, inter­viewed. A note of real­i­ty: It's worth point­ing out that the juve­nile bs foist­ed upon us by Pitch­fork­ers past and present sim­ply enhances the excel­lence of jour­nal­ism that mat­ters from peo­ple like him, her, and her.