cinema reviews

Movies / More Oscar crap

Of course Crash won Best Pic­ture. Why wouldn't Acad­e­my mem­bers — I'm assum­ing they're most­ly white and Ange­leno — ral­ly around a film that momen­tar­i­ly relieved them of guilt they feel for liv­ing in such a racial­ly seg­re­gat­ed city? (I have to admit that I love Ludacris's rant about the racial impli­ca­tions of rid­ing city bus­es. That, and Don Cheadle's open­ing, were the only moments in the entire movie that weren't heavy-hand­ed, cheesy, or gag-inducing).The Morn­ing News has a great list of quotes from oth­er review­ers who dis­liked the movie as much as I did. A sam­ple: "Con­trived, obvi­ous and over­stat­ed, Crash is basi­cal­ly just one white man's right­eous attempt to make oth­er white peo­ple feel as if they've con­front­ed the prob­lem of racism head-on."