

Quark (when it's not a sub­atom­ic par­ti­cle) is a byprod­uct of curds and whey that results in what some describe as "a Ger­man-style cream cheese," oth­ers describe as "a cross between yogurt and cot­tage cheese," and still oth­ers describe as "yum­my." This Sat­ur­day we bought some lemon quark at the Spring Hill Jer­sey Farm. This can best be described as tast­ing like the fill­ing of a lemon cheese­cake. You can eat it with a spoon, spread it on toast, or just use your fin­ger to scoop out deli­cious lemo­ny creamy pleas­ant­ly tangy milk fats in a semi-sol­id state. My friend Reed recalls that in Hol­land, they sell quark in some­thing like yogurt-con­tain­ers, and that there it is most­ly like pud­ding. I like it best spread on toast and driz­zled with some 420 Honey.